
I can’t remember when I started to love nail polish. Maybe high school, right in time for my mother to be assured that I wasn’t a “tom-boy”. I have always enjoyed sports and high intensity activities; I wasn’t missing a nail appointment. Nails use to be a thing to do back in high school. It was all about the designs, the length, and the shape.

Continue reading “Kept”

Losing Track of Time

Do you remember planning your blog post? At the top of this year, I kept a note on my phone about all the posts I wanted to create. Laughing about it now, I planned to talk about Valentine’s Day, oh how shitty it was this year, thank GOD for not talking about it. You guys don’t deserve all the chaos of a day that should be surrounded by romance. The point is, with all the planning I lost track of time. Plus, still trying to be an authentic blogger, sometimes life just happens.

But anyway, here I am. Showing up as authentic as I can be at this moment. With a whole bunch of shit going on. Nothing bad but just busy as hell. So, a few updates:Continue reading “Losing Track of Time”

January to May

I considered giving up this blog entirely because of the editor. I was getting frustrated with how to use this new block setting and thought maybe it was a sign that it’s finally OVER, but I found myself still looking for something to say even if it were a few words. So, here I am again on one of my favorite places to share. Hey, y’all, hey.Continue reading “January to May”