A New Normal

Every day I think of something to write but can’t bring my mind to it because of the constant fatigue that has taken over my body. Why didn’t anyone tell me that pregnancy was so tiring! I’m officially in the #boymom crew.

Unexpectedly, here we are, pregnant. I thought I was going to have the ability to plan, but God plans. At the top of October on our anniversary trip to CABO, I tell my husband I wanted to delay our pregnancy planning. We’ve been discussing it most of the year. His simple follow up was “okay, whenever you’re ready”. Walking through life and 5 days late, I’m up at 5:00am taking a pregnancy test out of curiosity. BOOP, pregnant.

I am really enjoying pregnancy. The symptoms have been minimal and I’m still functioning despite the fatigue. If only I could take a nap every day for at least 30 minutes, I’d be grateful but working hybrid and a new job, impossible.

I’m currently trying to figure out a new normal with this new addition. Watching all the YouTube videos, reading the books and articles, talking to my friends who are veteran parents, just to take pointers before baby arrives. The mom experience is just different, and I’m trying to avoid overspending on things I may not need, ways to be more comfortable in our apartment although we are likely moving in a few months (that will be fun), while also giving into this newness – after all it’s my first baby.

The shower is in April, until then, moms, what advice do you have for a new mom?



Published by Amanda

She Came | She Saw | She Conqured

2 thoughts on “A New Normal

  1. Welcome to the pregnant life. I’m also navigating my way through an unexpected pregnancy. My advice is to not be afraid to advocate for yourself. It’s ok to ask for help if you need it.


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