
There is so much beauty in the photo above but more disturbing were the sea flies that were chewing on my legs during this impromptu photo shoot. Of the nothing I did all summer and this month, I called out of work on a Wednesday to hit the beach with my family. It’s a thing we do every summer and I missed the last beach day so I had to attend this one.  I’m not fond of New York City beaches and I missed our family trip to swim in the clear waters of Jamaica, so this will do.

Let me elaborate more about this picture, I am insecure about my body and have always been. Even when my stomach was flat, stretch marks weren’t a thought, and my skin appeared to be much more hydrated, I was still insecure. However, stretch marks are a thing, so are rolls from a almost 70 pound weight gain, and blemishes on my skin from all the health shit that I’ve gone through over the last 5 years, I found a new appreciation for my body. It’s the only one I have, so I have to be good to it.

Also, last year August I was in my feelings and still am. But, I feel the recovery more than I did last year. Lately I’ve been hanging out with an old friend that once hurt me to my core, the type of hurt that felt like death, but the one thing I gather from this reconnection is that I know how to forgive. We must allow people to grow.

Lesson/Moral of this photo: Time heals all through forgiveness and growth.

Published by Amanda

She Came | She Saw | She Conqured

2 thoughts on “JONES

  1. I really loved this, for many reasons. I love how transformative your reflection seemed and I love that you were able to find peace within and outside of you as well through your time at the beach. I particularly loved this: “over the last 5 years, I found a new appreciation for my body. It’s the only one I have, so I have to be good to it.”

    I agree with this. I think making peace with your body is one of the best things you can do for yourself.


What have you Conqured today?