Hey Blog Family!

I’m the cousin that comes around every few years, I know. But I’ve found a method to my madness. What is that you ask? Well not procrastination too much. It’s understanding. Huh? Yes, understanding.

So what I’m trying to say is that, I’ve been feeling like I’m pressured to post. Thats what I’ve come to understand. THIS BLOG IS ON MY TERMS.  I kept reading other blogs and noticed that they were always updated everyday, some every few hours, and so on. BUT I’m not like the other writers, being that, some of them, actually have the time to post or that, their blogs or their jobs. Sometimes I truly am busy. But now, I’ll do things on my terms with my efforts.

Anywho, to update on my life in which I wasn’t to much able to do,

1. I’ve lost 30 lbs… yes girl, she did that! (Tamar Voice). I kept up with my resolution. I do have more weigh to go but I’m proud. All it took what a simple change of diet, and a few jogs a week. In order to lose weight, you have to be ready to do it for yourself. No one else can do this for you. IT’S JUST MY TIME.

2. I got a new job, yayyy. Uh huh. Well from previous post, I like my job but once again there goes those people who want you to fail. But I’ve been doing good and have learned a lot from the DRAMA. I’m happy at the end of it all.

3. I’m SINGLE, and that I have been for a while but my EX did exist  for a while until I decided that I wanted happiness just not with him. Long story but thats over with. I’m DATING though. My eggs aren’t placed in one basket.

4. I bought a MACBOOK! The best purchase of my year. I’m more enthused to do more writing.

Well that’s all I can think about for now.

Happy New Year Y’all.

Published by Amanda

She Came | She Saw | She Conqured

2 thoughts on “FRESH!

  1. yes, you do have to write on your own terms. I plan to start from the first post and work my way up, because I do that Kind of stuff. Blogging makes me so happy and I cannot wait until this little hobby of mine becomes lucrative.

    Congratulations on 30 lbs!! That's amazing and very inspirational. If you have more to lose, clearly it can be done so keep going!

    I plan to purchase some kind of Apple laptop soon, mainly because I just switched back to the iPhone and I believe that Apple products just work better together.

    Hopefully you'll be blogging more consistently from here on out, because I'd hate to get attached and then you leave, lol. But with your disclaimer, I'll try my best to understand if you don't come back.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post! Beautiful, encouraging words you left in my comment section and it just…warmed my day. = )

    ♥ Chymere Anais


What have you Conqured today?